8 Super smart tricks to resolve your consumer complaint?

tricks to resolve your consumer complaint

Why do you need smart tricks to resolve your consumer complaint? I am sure you must be thinking.

Raising a voice against injustice will not fetch you any results, if you are just a common man in India. Indian consumers face a lot of struggle in getting their issues resolved as there are still no strict laws for defaulting brands.

You purchase a TV and if it does not work as advertised, then there is very less help available to you. Once you have purchased an item, the sales guy may even refuse to recognize you or may direct you to some pathetic helpline number of the company. After this, your nightmare starts.

You will be put in long queues and your ear may get pain listening to pre-recorded “waiting” messages. I am sure everyone of us has experienced this. It is a very common experience in India for customers and sadly we all have accepted this mistreatment being a tolerable Indian. 

In this article we will talk about 8 super smart tricks to get attention of the company to get resolution in your consumer complaint. It will tell you how you can build pressure on the company and literally compel it to resolve your complaint. Keep reading this article to know smart tricks to resolve your consumer complaint:

Tricks to resolve your consumer complaint

1. Presales pressure
Before actually buying any product or service, convey a strong message to the salesperson that you have doubts about the after sales service of the company and so you do not trust them completely. You should ask him, in case of any problem who will solve your issue?

Tell him that you hate running to the support center or being in queue. This presale strategy may not fully work but this will put enough pressure on the sales guy. In the process of convincing you, he may give his own number or something extra, that can make you feel “special” later. 

2. Over React
Assuming you have purchased the item and something is not working within the first few hours or days as it should have been. Now, is the time to over react! Yes, you have heard it correctly. Over reacting on a small defect may put enough pressure on the seller or company to resolve your complaint quickly. It is one of the best tricks to resolve your consumer complaint.

Just remind the seller that you were already aware before buying the item that this would happen as you do not trust the brand. In such situations, normally he will do everything to make you comfortable.

3. Talk like a Lawyer
If all the above tricks to resolve your consumer complaint have failed then you should start talking legal, even if you do not know anything about consumer rights.

Ask the company or its support executive to furnish every detail about the customer support process of the brand. Get details like company address, distributor name & address, company officials, nodal officers etc.

4. Contact Support & follow up
Lodge a complaint in the call center of the company for support and properly note down the date and complaint ID. Ask the support agent what would be the expected turn-around time for such complaints.

Do not follow up before the expiry of that turn-around period. If they do not resolve the issue within time, then you should call customer support again and update your complaint saying this is the second time you are calling.

Please note that updating the same old complaint ID is very important. Usually the customer agent will insist on closing the old complaint and creating a new complaint ID. But you should insist on updating the same old complaint with new details.

Repeat calling & updating your complaint till you get relief from the brand.

tricks to resolve your consumer complaint

5. Shout without doubt
In my opinion this strategy is one of the best tricks to resolve your consumer complaint. If repeatedly updating your complaint and calling them again & again does not resolve your issue then you should start over-reacting once again on the support call. Start yelling and showing that you are frustrated enough to take strict action against the company.

But remember, do not curse the agent but curse the company!

Once you have put enough pressure on the agent, ask him to connect you to his supervisor on the phone.

In most of the cases, the agent will deny connecting you to supervisor and will tell you that there is no supervisor available at this time. But don’t get fooled by this. Keep on insisting that you need to talk to his supervisor.

Also, before starting this pressure game, tell the agent that you are already recording the entire conversation on your phone which can be produced as evidence later. This would be enough pressure for him to connect you to the authority.

6. Reach higher
If you are dealing with telecommunication, banking or insurance companies and if registering your complaint with the Supervisor does not fetch the desired results then your last resort in customer support would be to contact a higher authority like Nodal officer in your region.

Generally you can meet a Nodal Officer personally or contact them through phone or email. However, the phone number of these Nodal officers will almost never work and you will never get connected to the officer.

So, you should try sending email instead. It has been seen that sending a complaint through email to a Nodal officer generally gets some attention.

But please note that the Nodal officer will not entertain your complaint if you have not tried other support channels first.

Recently, Government of India has mandated all eCommerce companies to appoint a Nodal Officer to ensure compliance with the new rules on consumer protection as per Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules 2020.

So very soon you will be able to reach out to Nodal Officers in the eCommerce stores also, if you are not satisfied with the progress in your complaint.

7. Start legal action
When all the tricks to resolve your consumer complaint have failed and if you are still not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Nodal officer, then the probability is that your complaint is complex and you may have to further pursue it to get better relief.

At this stage, you can send a well drafted legal notice to the company through your lawyer. The legal notice is usually sent to the company’s registered address.

When you send this notice through a lawyer, it puts enough pressure on the brand and conveys a message that you are seriously considering other options.

Usually, you will get some response (positive or negative) after sending a legal notice to a company. 

8. Go Court
If even sending a legal notice does not work then there is a strong possibility that the brand is not ready to hear your complaint and is not interested in resolving the issue.

The only option left for you now is to approach the Consumer court or consumer forum in your matter. You can approach consumer forum online and file a case here.

When a case is filed in a consumer forum, it sends a very clear signal to the company that the consumer is willing to go the extra mile to get resolution.

Nobody wants to waste time & energy in fighting a case in court and the same is true with the company as well. So, mostly the company will try to settle the dispute out of the court which puts you in a better position to negotiate.

Please note that it is not required to hire a lawyer to file a case in the Consumer forum and you yourself can represent your case in the forum. But there is no doubt that in spite of knowing these smart tricks to resolve your consumer complaint, hiring an experienced & qualified advocate will get you better results.

If you do not have time to follow these tricks to resolve your consumer complaint yourself, then there is Voxya who can help you to get resolution in your consumer complaint. You can file a complaint and get resolution in your complaint easily.

Online Food Delivery – Swiggy Consumer Complaint Resolved at Voxya


Timeline :
Mr. Avinash Kumar filed a complaint at Voxya, an online consumer complaints forum on 16th May 2019 at 14:14 a.m., against Swiggy. As soon as we received the complaint, immediate actions were taken to resolve the issue. We sent an email to the company and also started a social media campaign. On the very next day i.e. on 17th May 2019 at 12:58 p.m., Mr. Kumar again visited our portal and marked the complaint as resolved.

A brief look into the consumer complaint :
Our client Mr. Avinash Kumar had ordered a pastry from Swiggy on 10th May at 1:00 a.m. and had made the payment online. But the food never reached the client’s doorstep and the order was cancelled. Mr. Kumar immediately raised a complaint in the help desk section of Swiggy asking for a refund but they kept providing him with automated responses. A week had gone by, and Mr. Kumar didn’t receive his refund. Moreover what angered him was that his complaint had been marked as closed by Swiggy. Seeing this Mr. Kumar grew frustrated and decided to file a complaint against Swiggy at our portal and requested us to help him in resolving the issue.

The resolution provided by us:
After getting fed up of not getting a proper resolution for his complaint, Mr. Avinash Kumar decided to file a complaint against Swiggy at Voxya. We looked into the matter and started a social media campaign as soon as we received the complaint. The campaign was spread all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. We also sent an email to Swiggy requesting them to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Soon our client received a call from Swiggy and the complaint was marked as resolved on 17th May 2019 at 12:58 p.m.

Mr. Avinash Kumar’s Testimonial for Voxya

“Thank you so much Voxya I am fully satisfied with your quick service.”

consumer complaint website India Voxya reviews

Jasper Industries Complaint Resolved – Voxya Success Story

Timeline :
On 14th March 2019 at 11:56 a.m., Mr. Mohammed Siraj Ali filed a complaint at Voxya consumer complaint forum against Jasper Industries. As soon as we received the complaint, immediate actions were taken to resolve the issue. We sent an email to the company and also started a social media campaign. We also sent a legal notice to Jasper Industries as our client wanted this case to move legally. About a month later, on 26th April 2019, Mr. Siraj Ali again visited our complaint forum at 09:45 a.m. and marked the complaint as resolved.


A brief look into the complaint :
Our client Mr. Mohammed Siraj Ali had purchased a Tata Ace Gold from LB Nagar showroom on 19th February 2019. A couple of days later, Mr. Siraj Ali found out that the chassis number is not matching on track with the one on the vehicle. On informing the sales head of the company about this, they promised to get the vehicle registered within 3-4 days. But more than a month had passed by and still, there was no response from them. Moreover, Mr. Siraj had taken this vehicle on EMI and the Tata motors team assured him that the EMI will only be deducted once the vehicle has been registered, however, to our client’s shock the EMI had already started getting debited. Our client grew frustrated with them, as the vehicle was just lying in his garage while the EMI was getting debited. Mr. Siraj immediately decided to file a complaint against Jasper Industries at our portal and requested us to help him in resolving the issue.


The resolution provided by us:
After getting fed up of waiting to get his vehicle registered even after constant reminders, Mr. Siraj decided to file a complaint against Jasper Industries at our portal. We looked into the matter and started a social media campaign as soon as we received the complaint. The campaign was spread all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. We also sent an email to Jasper Industries requesting them to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Moreover, we sent a legal notice to Jasper Industries and demanded them to offer a resolution to our client. Soon our client received a call from Jasper Industries and the consumer complaint was marked as resolved on 26th April 2019 at 09:45 a.m.


Mr. Mohammed Siraj Ali Testimonial for Voxya
“A big and a loud thank you to Voxya. I was in doubt whether my vehicle will get registered or not. It was not possible to get this done without you people.”

Voxya Reviews Testimonial

If you are also looking for a solution of consumer complaint then

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Online Hotel Booking Complaint – OYORooms Complaint Resolved

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum Oyorooms Consumer Complaint resolved

Timeline :

Mr. Nithindas K. visited our portal on May 23, 2019, at 02:55 p.m. and filed a complaint against OyoRooms for not providing the full refund. On receiving the complaint immediate actions were called regarding this issue. We sent an email to the company and started a social media campaign. On the very same day at 11:21 p.m. Mr. Nithindas again visited Voxya an online consumer complaint forum and marked the complaint as resolved.

A brief look into the complaint :

Our client Nithindas K. had booked a hotel in Ooty through Oyo Rooms. About 30 minutes later, our client got a mail that his booking has been cancelled due to some issues and the full refund will be processed. Our client had booked a room for a total of Rs. 3758 but only Rs 2819 were refunded in his account. Seeing this our client felt cheated as he had been promised a full refund and decided to raise a voice against Oyo Rooms and that’s when he landed on our portal. Our client then filed a complaint against OyoRooms at our portal and requested us to help him get his money back.

The resolution provided by us:

After getting frustrated that the full refund was not being provided by OyoRooms, Mr. Nithindas K. was left frustrated with their services and decided to file a complaint against OyoRooms at our portal. We looked into the matter and started a social media campaign as soon as we received the complaint. The campaign was spread all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. We also sent an email to Oyo Rooms requesting them to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Soon our client received a call from OyoRooms and they agreed for a full refund and the complaint was marked as resolved on 23rd May 2019 at 11:21 p.m.

Mr. Nithindas K’s testimonial for Voxya :

“The amount has been refunded by OYO. Thanks for your service. I rate it excellent.”

OYO Rooms Consumer Complaints

Are you also looking for a solution of consumer complaint?

Then, File Consumer Complaint Online Now!