I have subscribed to * relax plans. Issues are - no proactive follow up or updates from RM - weekly reports not received despite multiple follow ups - zero conversion from leads to interested category - multip...
My order was due to be delivered on the *th-october,****. But still I have not yet received my order. & Flipkart is arguing that the product will be deliver by ** to ** hours since last **th-october.
*) order id-#****** dated **/**/** *) shipping details not found after ** hours *) Read comments about vle bazer and found that maximum number of people cheated by vle bazaar *) mail to vle bazaar on **/**/**that...
I have book * hotel rooms on ** Oct . Golden plaza hotel.chandighar.through agoda .com. Payment diducted ****.** through my credit card sbi bank. Last * digin **** After payment done .for one notification th...
I ordered a foundation on *th Oct , they claimed that it wilk reach to me latest by **th oct. It's **th oct , yet I've not received my package. I have called the consumer support of nykaa, never seen such a ridiculo...
Money was debited from my HDFC account with the narration "Retail domestic - PT. Paid for a hotel booking in Goa through the trip advisor website. No booking confirmation was received. Also hotel person confirmed...
I had ordered for a jeans pant worth Rs.****.** with the https://thehouseofrare.com on **/**/****. I received the product on **/**/****. But when I tried the pant, its size was too big and not fitting to my waist si...
I had ordered a busy board toy for my baby during June **** from billy-cart but till today **th Oct **** I have not received my order. I have mailed multiple times regarding my order but now they have stopped respon...
My complain no not given . I have registered complain in RO India on **th Oct ****.The engineer Ankit kumar came & told this part is damage, this part is damage , change all the parts & taken Rs**** for service wit...
amazon delivered the defective product and checked that they said they wont take return. i have already to return a product upt* **-oct-****.