सिर्फ 2 दिन में हल हुई रेडबस ऑनलाइन कंस्यूमर कंप्लेंट, जानिए कैसे? (Redbus Consumer Complaint Resolved Just in 2 Days)

redbus consumer complaint

एक बार फिर हमने Voxya ऑनलाइन कंस्यूमर कंप्लेंट फोरम (online consumer complaint forum) का उपयोग करके रेडबस (Redbus) की शिकायत को सफलतापूर्वक हल कर दिया | रानी सुब्रमण्यम ने रेडबस के खिलाफ Voxya.com पर शिकायत दर्ज की थी | उन्होंने चेन्नई से तिरूनेलवेली जाने के लिए रेडबस (Redbus) के माध्यम से बस टिकट बुक किया था और जिसके के लिए ₹.1799/- का भुगतान भी किया था लेकिन Redbus के सिस्टम में कुछ गड़बड़ी होने के कारण उन्हें ऑनलाइन टिकट नहीं मिला |

जब उन्होंने ने कस्टमर सपोर्ट पर संपर्क किया तो उनको बताया गया कि आपने भुगतान करने के बाद अपनी टिकट को कन्फर्म कर लिया था, जोकि उनके रेडबस सिस्टम (Redbus System) के द्वारा भेजा गया था इसलिए पैसे वापस नहीं किये जा सकते | अपनी तरफ से पूरी कोशिश करने बाद, जब वह निराश हुई तब उन्होंने ने निश्चय किया कि वह अपनी शिकायत को Voxya ऑनलाइन कंस्यूमर कंप्लेंट फोरम (online consumer complaint forum) दर्ज करेंगी |

उनके द्वारा की गयी शिकायत देखने के लिए, दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे : https://voxya.com/view-complaint/e_ticket-not-issued-but-amount-debited-on-booking-bus-ticket/155

Redbus के खिलाफ ऑनलाइन शिकायत (online complaint) प्राप्त होने पर हमने (Voxya) सोशल मीडिया कैंपेन को शुरू किया और रेडबस से संपर्क किया | हमने रानी सुब्रमण्यम जी से अनुरोध किया कि वह Voxya पर की हुई शिकायत को फेसबुक और ट्विटर सोशल मीडिया चैनल पर पर शेयर करे |

redbus consumer complaint resolved Voxya consumer forum

सिर्फ दो दिनों हुए थे कि रेडबस (Redbus) ने ग्राहक के पैसे को उनके खाते में वापस कर दिया |

जिसके बाद रानी सुब्रमण्यम से हमे “धन्यवाद” का ईमेल प्राप्त हुआ है |

इस तरह से हमने उपभोक्ता शिकायत (consumer complaint) को सफलतापूर्वक शिकायत हल किया और हमे इस बात की ख़ुशी है कि हम उपभोक्ता शिकायतों (consumer complaints) को जल्द से जल दूर करने सक्षम है |

रेडबस के खिलाफ है अपनी शिकायत को दर्ज करने के लिए लिंक पर क्लिक करे :=>
File A Complaint Now!

We resolve consumer complaints in India only

Three days ago we received a consumer complaint filed against the company Book Depository by someone named MYAITAZIN from Thailand. You can check the complaint here http://voxya.com/view-complaint/refund-not-received/152

Since the company, Book Depository, is based in United Kingdom so we had no means to resolve the complaint due to cross-border complexities. Though it is a good sign that consumers in other countries have started using and trusting our platform Voxya to resolve their complaints but due to limited resources, we would like to stick to resolving Indian consumer complaints only at this time. I hope it is in the interest of our platform initially. Later, if we have enough resources, we would love to help the consumers from other countries too.

Anyways, we immediately contacted the customer via email and told him that our platform is only available to the Indian consumers as of now. But as we love to help consumers so inspite of our limitations, we tried to contact Book Depository via email and sent customer’s complaint. Once again we are grateful to the customer that he found our platform worthy to submit his complaint. Though supporting consumer complaints from other countries is still not in our plan but who knows we may soon start our operations in other countries too. Keep posting your consumer complaints at voxya.com to keep us motivated!

How we resolved Pepperfry consumer complaint in just two days

We are happy to state that we have got one more success story to share. We have resolved Pepperfry consumer complaint within just two days.

Last week a consumer, Amandeep Singh filed a complaint against Pepperfry – a famous online furniture store. The store was listing a bed with some misleading description about the storage space.

Believing this misleading description, Mr. Singh ordered the bed at the online store and paid Rs.37173 for it. Later he came to know that the bed does not have any storage inside the bed, which caused severe mental agony to him.

When the customer contacted Pepperfry support, they refused to cancel his order or refund his money saying that storage actually means he can use plank under the bed for storing things. This was simply unacceptable to the customer as storing under the bed can not be treated as an in-built feature of the bed.

However, the invoice provided by the Pepperfry clearly shows “Bed with Storage” as product description in it.

consumer complaint pepperfry
Pepperfry invoice describing the product

Pepperfry Consumer Complaint

Finding no other alternative, the customer posted his Pepperfry consumer complaint at Voxya.com – a platform to resolve consumer complaints quickly. We investigated the matter and found that customer’s complaint was genuine. The product page at Pepperfry had a very misleading title showing the bed has a storage.

consumer complaint pepperfry
Actual product page at Pepperfry

On receiving the Pepperfry consumer complaint, we at Voxya, started a social media campaign and tried to contact Pepperfry.

We also requested customer to share his Pepperfry consumer complaint via social media. Immediately within just one day, the customer received a call from Pepperfry’s CEO office and they canceled the order and refunded the money to the customer!

So, we have resolved Pepperfry consumer complaint at our platform successfully 🙂 It is really nice that Pepperfry took immediate action in the matter and resolved the complaint quickly.

We received a thank you email from the consumer and we feel happy that we were able to help in resolving his Pepperfry complaint 🙂

Thank you email from consumer thanking voxya.com for resolving his consumer complaint
Thank you email from consumer thanking voxya.com for resolving his consumer complaint

Though the Pepperfry consumer complaint has been resolved by the company quickly but we will still request Pepperfry to modify the title and the description of this product listed at their store here https://www.pepperfry.com/bibiana-queen-bed-in-cherry-and-solid-grey-finish-by-casacraft-1478584.html.

It looks that the details given on this product page are misleading and incorrect. Hope somebody at Pepperfry will look into this soon.

If you are facing issues with a product or service which you purchased and the vendor is not helping, you can file a consumer complaint at https://voxya.com/file-consumer-complaint
Our experienced legal team will help you to get refund, replacement and compensation.

Don’t forget to check our detailed Consumer Guide providing every single detail of taking legal action in your consumer complaints. You can also talk to a lawyer and know your legal rights before approaching Consumer Forum in consumer complaints.

Please check our latest Youtube short regarding Ecommerce complaints