Asus - Refund for Asus Rog 5 mobile
Leela Sai Mahidhar Guggilam filed complaint against Asus on Nov 21, 2021
I bought Asus rog * on *nd June and received the product from Flipkart on *th June. After using around * months, Asus released a firmware update. After few days post that update, wifi and hotspot are not working on mobile. I raised a concern with Asus and they asked me to visit the service center for repair. I gave my mobile on *st November at Ongole Asus service center. They said the time period for repair would be ** days maximum as they need to ship my mobile from Ongole to Guntur for repair. And they also refused to give a spare mobile to use meantime. I don't have any option apart from waiting for ** days. Then I called the service center on the **th day as there is no proper update from them on the status. They said they need to change the motherboard as the product is defective and they also asked me to wait one more week, which is crossing the given period of ** days. I said ok and then again I called them back on **th day for any update, Now they are saying they ordered the spare part which will be received at to the service center on **th November. This wifi turning on the issue is there with most of the Asus rog * users. All Asus rog * users who had this issue were gathered on Telegram group chat and there were at least *** people. From their reviews and from YouTubers who got Asus repaired for the same above issue, complained that after motherboard repair, there will be new issues like, Fingerprint sensor not working, Sim card detection issue, etc. So I lost trust in Asus product and their repair as well, in spite of spending ***** rupees on the product, I am not getting proper service and good quality from the company. Every time it was me who kept calling them and asking for the update. And when I mailed to them they simply send an autoreply asking me to wait for ** hours but I will never get a reply. I had to call them again and again. I am exhausted with their service and quality of the product in spite of spending ***** rupees which is not an easy task for me.
Before giving my mobile I had to take backup of all my data which took * days of time as Asus refused to give me a spare unit to use, and followed up with Asus customer care which took * days of time. In total, I lost a week of my time. I am studying for my Masters's degree and I am in the Final phase where I need to submit my reports and have deadlines for that. I am also a working professional, so it's very hard for me to find time but I had to lose a week of my time due to all thses and many follow-ups, Asus never replied or gave proper updates since the beginning.
As I lost trust in Asus and repair of the product also would not resolve the issues based on the reviews which are clearly visible and available, and they are taking too long for repair, Right now I am using some old mobile which is outdated and slower for use and I could not transfer all my data as there is no enough space in the old mobile(**GB). I asked Asus for a refund of the money as I don't trust the mobile with replacement as it can cause an issue again in the future. I can't keep wasting my time in taking back up of data and visiting service centers, following up with them again and again. I talked to them about a refund but they denied it. They must want me to wait as long as the product is repaired and I have already waited enough. They don't have a policy of maximum limit period for service which is one side policy and there is no justice to consumers even in this. They are not guaranteeing of repair and they said post-warranty if we get similar kind of issues due to mother board change, customer have to pay for service and mobile cost is very high and repair is also very high on parts
My request is that Asus should refund my money. I hope the Consumer court can help me with this as this issue is with qualityless products sold in India without proper quality assessment when selling mobiles at a huge price and they said its premium flagship product which is falsely advertised based on the quality they maintained. Hope I will get a refund and will be saved from Asus quality less products.
As a resolution I need refund from Asus plus the charges that were taken from me to raise complaint on voxya and I have also gone through mental agony but I don't want to charge on this.
you can go through telegram users and chat here*
Other youtube links on the issue of product and service repair from Asus and their quality:
---> and many more at -->*+wifi+not+turning+on
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