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Shoppingon.in - Fraud website shoppingon.in

Kamala devi filed complaint against Shoppingon.in on Jul 19, 2019

I order fusion* *g Android tablet ****/- shoppingon.in website */*/****. Package received on **/**/**** but found the wrong product inside the package *.*-inch writing tablet ***/- worth. I paid cash ****/- to XpressBees courier.
Delivery courier: XpressBees
Booked person: Pickrr Technologies Pvt LTD
Order website: shoppingon.in
Tracking I'd: *************
The order I'd: *******
The reference I'd: ****
Shoppingon.in not send phone number and email address. Pickrr technologies Pvt LTD company number did not get. XpressBees courier number only received but the person not supported.
XpressBees phone number ***********
Please support me on how to take return my amount. I am waiting for your reply.

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Complaint Status

Resolution Demanded:

Refund / Credit for purchase



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