eureka forbes mop n vac
- Eureka forbes Open
saritalohia filed this complaint against eureka forbes mop n vac on May 14, 2024
eureka forbes mop n vac replaced on **-*-**** again several issue several times complain taken casually machine complete stop working service request no CM-******-******* ON ** FEB **** technician not visited and delay and again on other day machine was on and smoke was seen with bad smell it was informed immediatedly call centre technician was delay and taken casually after check saying it will be repaired which was not accepted and for refund it will be informed to company and if not replacement after no response seen several times escalate only excuse under process not to worry it will be done several days passed no response and not been taken care there senior response and showing attitude this is machine anything can be happen we are not responsible only repair can be done or you can throw the machine and disconnect the call it was informed to call centre response again it was escalate response it is under process refund and replacement and it was shocked to hear kept hold whole day on **th feburary **** it is under process and at last change there word no refund no replacenment and response replacement also cannot be possible as this product is not success and available and disconnect the call
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eureka forbes mop n vac
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Airtel Digital Tv
"The issue is resolved and Cheque received from Airtel. Thanks for helping me in this issue highly appreciated!"
Raja Rajangam
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