Philips - False blame of stealing and physical assault on demanding invoice to claim warranty
Surendra kumar filed complaint against Philips on Aug 12, 2021
I purchased a philips tube light from a local store which got malfunctioned and went to the dealer to acknowledge my problem. Now he said tube light has two part(*.The Tube and *.The choke) and warranty only comes for the choke and not the tube.
I sought help from philips customer support and they told warranty could be claimed for both the parts but they couldn't help me unless I had a invoice for the purchase(chat is saved in pdf format) so I again went to the dealer and told him the same that you didn't provided me with the invoice on the time of purchase and kindly provide me it now. To that he replied "I never give gst invoice to anyone because I don't run my shop like that" To which I asked "than atleast provide me some written statement that you sold me the tubelight on specific date(date was hand written by dealer on the day of purchase).
Than he told me that I can take my money back but he will not issue an invoice nor any statement claiming the deal to which I agreed. He putted ***Rs on the counter and told me to collect that. As soon as I collected the money the dealer and his companion (dealer's younger brother) suddenly came out of shop and grabbed me from hands and tried to move me inside the shop saying to his brother"let us tie him(me) in the shop".Hearing that statement I tried to resist and suddenly dealer's brother punched with full might on my face and my nose bone got cracked, and they both started shouting to local shopkeepers like this"this boy(me) was trying to steal money(***rs) from his shop and hearing that I got so frightened that I ran out from their hands and in pursuit my nike tshirt got torn and I quickly ran at a known fruit vendor's shop *** meters away. Reaching their I tried to call ***(police) but phone call didn't connected so I called the local area's surpanch and sought out his help as my car was parked outside his shop and I was afraid of car's safety. Dealer had mobile number of some police officer and he called him claiming false statement that a boy(me) tried to steal from their shop and ran away but luckily police officer had surpanch's number and he enquired to him about the incident. Sarpanch told them the matter is about some product and it's related warranty and their is no such thing like stealing and running had happened and I(sarpanch) is going to the spot to sought out the matter. Than I reached at shop with sarpanch and he told dealer to give me my money back(which I already had with me-***Rs) and told me to give away that faulty tubelight back to the shopkeeper (which I already had putted on oiter shelf of the shop).I was given my ***Rs but ****Rs nike tshirt was torn, ***rs tshirt I purchased from that market to reach home in a manly way.Is it wroth just asking politely for a invoice so that I could have claimed warranty.
Now I am writing this in tears and excruciating pain from broken nose bone. Can voxya help? Can law help? Can I get justice? I'm so broken mentally and physically and I know no human will come forward to fight by my side for justice so atleast give me some empathy and let that be a healing aid if no justice for this citizen. So sad to be born in a Nation of cowards.. So heartbreaking
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