Worldwide Transcripts - complain against worldwide transcripts
Avdhesh pande filed complaint against Worldwide Transcripts on Feb 4, 2022
I would like to file complain against worldwide transcripts
I wanted to do the education assessment for immigration and being an NRI, i wanted to take service from agency who can help me in this. After googling, I contacted Worldwide transcript and we had call with one of his executives on WhatsApp. This is on **th August.
I informed them that I have final year marksheet of my degree and I need all * years marksheets and transcript to send to CES for my educational assessment. They said that they are expert in this and there is absolutely nothing to be done from my side and I just have to pay the fees and they will take care of everything. They said they will finish everything in * month maximum as they have to take the marksheet first. I trusted them and paid the fee (Rs.**,***) on **th august. I also uploaded all my documents (marksheet+ degree) in their portal. Surprisingly, they again asked me what year marksheet i need(even though I had cleared informed them my requirement). Anyway, I again provided them info.
During this time, I tried to call them multiple time, but they did not pick up my phone. Many times, they phone was engaged but my call was not picked up. I complaint this too. Anyway, on Sep *, **** - I got email that my Mark sheets are expected to be ready by next week. After that no update. After asking them, they replied to me that as per university, my mark sheet case is in process, and they will share the the tracking id as soon as it is dispatched.
Then after following, I got reply that my marksheet got delayed due to Ganesh Chaturthi holidays in university. It was not looking normal to me. Then on Oct *, ****, I got a email from them to provide image of the *st and *nd-year mark sheet. This requirement has been raised from university's end.
This was shocking to me, earlier they confirmed that the marksheet case in progress and expected to be ready. Now they are saying that requirement raised from university? How come this is possible. If there is any requirement, it will be raised before the process and not during. So this did not look true to me. However, I told them that I had very clearly informed about my documents and requirement, and they agreed to do everything and there was no need of any additional documents.
I realized that I have made mistake by paying this agency and they are not doing my task. So on **th October (after *.* months), I asked for refund but no reply from them. After sending reminder email, they replied to me that objection for providing mark sheet has been raised by the university end.
In such case, as per their company refund policy, as thier team were already working in my case and there is delay by the university end, due to lack of information or insufficient documents, and client request for Stop the Case/does not want to proceed with the case, then the refund is not applicable in this scenario.
I was very sure that they were not working on my case and giving exuses but I gave another chance to them. They said they will try to find out other way to resolve this and asked me more time. They also kept me reminding that refund is not applicable in my case.
On Nov **, ****, they asked me to confirm us name of your college. I replied immediately. They asked * week time and then no update again. After reminding, they said that they need roll number to provide university and again asked more time.
After that they said task is on hold because of currently university is on strike. All these they were doing to eat time and nothing.
Then on Jan *,****, they said that university and my college has denied to issue the mark-sheet on the basis of the provided documents and my college also denied to provide roll number. This is the time I realized that this agency is fraud, and they just wasted my time doing nothing. I asked their manager to call me but till today, no manager called me yet.
On **th January, I called them on WhatsApp and said that I will ask my friend to get the roll number from my college. I called my friend who was there locally. He went to college and in * minutes, he got the roll number from college. We talked to the college management, and they said no one from worldwide came to them asking for roll number. This proves that this agency was lying to me. I told agency that i will do remaining process from my side and you refund my full amount. They again said that refund is not applicable and if I process from my side, then there will be impact on my application due to duplicate. They have their agent in the university who will do my work fast.
So I provided roll number (got from my friend) to agency and waited as they were not ready to give me refund. Again no I asked them on January **th what they have done after getting roll number. It just takes * minutes to submit application. They said they have not done anyting because I asked for refund. I had stopped my friend to do that on **th as they said there will be consequences for duplication work if I initiate process from my side.
So I decided to do the work my own and send my friend to university and he submitted the application in * minutes and we also got the marksheet from university. There was absolutely no need of marksheet image. And worldwide was saying that without image, university will not issue marksheet.
So it proves that they were not doing my work and they were lying to my task. Plus there was not response from them when needed. Finally, they agreed to provide me refund of *****/-INR.
Bellow is their calucation
Total Quotation *****.**
Received *****
pending ***
Total Processing: *****
(-)**% deductions ****
(-) GST ****
(-) pending amount ***
(-) **** paid to Resources(FE/IR)
(+) UC ****
(+) CC ***
Refund Amount: *****-***-****-****-****= *****/-INR
I want full refund (*****.**) and compensation of * months which they have wasted. It has impacted my career as I could not do my assessment. * minutes task they could not complete in * months. They also lied about my college and university. How come university rule is different for me and this agency. How come university issued marksheet to us without so called requirement mentioned by this fraud agency. How dome we were able to approach college and get the information in * minutes and this expert agency could not do that? How come they say that college denied.
I can see that I am not the only one. There are many victims like me who have similar experience with this agency.
This is the link of their grievances...
I would like to take strong actions against them. I would like to get my full refund and compensation.
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My two years of blood & sweat got valued finally with Voxya. I got a full refund with no hustle after they received notice.
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