POLICY BAJAAR - Cancellation of Proposal and Refund of premium
Rohit filed complaint against POLICY BAJAAR on Mar 2, 2024
I have booked a health policy for Star health insurance thru policy bazaar (proposal ID *********), it is a case of porting the existing policy. On **th Jan-**, I paid the full amount as the policy bazaar agent (Amit Trivedi) advised me.
On **th-Jan-**, I have received a Email from Star health in which they confirmed the receipt of premium payment and generate the Customer Code No:AA********** and proposal no R.NO: R/******/**/****/******
After completion of KYC and other required details and documents, I received a call and an Email on *th Feb-** from policy bazaar representative (Emp ID BPW*****) regarding the payment for loading charges due to PED, which I have paid on *th Feb-**.
After completion of all of this I have did not hear anything from policy bazaar for next ** days (except routine update, that policy is in process from Emp ID BPW*****), on **th Feb-** I have sent a reminder regarding the update on policy status, then I have received a call from policy bazaar (Manish Sharma, Emp ID BPW*****) on **th Feb-**, that due to some error at the end of Star health/Policy Bazaar, the loading amount communicated earlier is short and I was told to pay more amount again as loading charges for same reason as earlier communicated to me.
I said that it is not justifiable to ask for more charges for the same reason, I told them to either issue the policy or cancel the proposal and refund the amount of Rs. **,***/- paid by me in two installments. I have lodged a complaint on **th Feb-** for cancellation of proposal and refund of the premium amount paid by me (Ticket ID PB*********). I have received a mail from Manish Sharma (BPW*****), that the cancellation will be processed and a refund will be issued within **-** days post cancellation.
From **th feb-** to till **th Feb-** I have sent reminder on every two days and I have received various communication (mails and calls) from policy bazaar that the request is in process and the same will be resolve in next two days, some one says in next one days etc. etc. including one call on **th Feb-** from Mr. Amit and his colleague from payment department that if I will purchase the any other policy now, then they will arrange to issue the refund asap, but they did not committed for any timeline, so I was refused their proposal and save myself to stuck more funds with Policy bazaar.
But on *st Mar-** I have received an Email from Team Policy bazaar, that they have closed my earlier complaint ticket Id PB********* which is I have raised on **th Feb with the title of Help in cancellation or refunds (Unhappy with the terms of the policy), and the policy bazaar itself, open a new request with the title Help in cancellation or refunds (Received partial refund amount) with the expected resolution time increased for next ** days.
Time duration for cancellation and issue of refund is going to expire on *th Mar-** for the complaint lodged on **th Feb-**. Now how the policy bazaar itself-closed my earlier complaint and opened a new complaint with more time for resolution.
I request the policy bazaar and Star health and every concerned person, please cancel the proposal for Star health Insurance and issue the refund of Rs. **,*** asap.
Rohit Jain
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