Abhishek Kumar Suman filed complaint against Mother Dairy on Aug 29, 2019
Statments for Job Scam
I received a SMS from shine.com on **/**/**** regarding job openings in sr executive.i was looking for a job. i am calling this no-**********. one girl pick the my phone first a fall i am introducing my self then I said i am looking for a job ma'am i am interested this job ma'am said ok your are send me your CV and your e mail id date on **/**/****.
i am calling next day **/**/**** Ma'am told me you are send me your qualification certificate, pan card, previous company salary slip, bank statement, aadhaar card. after the sending via whatsapp massenger, then she told me that you have to deposit a refundable security amount by cash Rs **** + **** Cellphone security amount . this amount will be refundable after training. Salary offered by company will be mention in your call letter. Your call letter and air ticket will be dispatch very shortly after receiving your confirmation of security deposited into the bank. The security amount paid by the candidate. And this is a refundable amount. This is compulsory because this is a company process. she also give at same time bank account ma'am say abhishek you have to amount transfer this account. A/C-****************, Holder name- Chanslar IFSC Code-PUNB*******.So i made the payment online at the same time online transfer amount RS ****/- Ma'am said Abhishek, I have received your payment, wait just few minute.i will process and generate your offer letter.ma'am send me via e-mail my offer letter. i get the mother dairy company offer letter. i get the letter on **th aug.i am calling **th aug she told me he will call Mr abhinav Mittal sir, what will he do next. he calling me next day he said that abhishek you send me your shoes size, shirt size, paint size & also send me your address details.because your call letter hard copy, company identy card, walky talky will be immediatly dispatch because your training starting date **th aug and you join the company immediatly.so you have to pay ****/- because this is a company process.I also made the payment of RS ****/- at the same time after receiving your confirmation of security deposited into the company bank account then forward next company process.so i made the payment online at the same time.Abhinav Mittal me whatsapp massage that your courier will come out in the evening ** hours may reach your address but did't get any courier in my address.next day on **nd aug one Ma'am calling name is Miss Aarohi Mittal first time calling me she has told Abhishek I have mailed you that you have your bond letter once you check bond letter. ma'am calling again same time she was told your company process still pending because the second party has to submit BOND FEE RS. *,***/- it will be refundable in salary account. i am say ok ma'am fine. ma'am also said that abhishek plz give your aadhar details & e-mail id.so i am sent details for ma'am she also give at same time new bank account ma'am say abhishek you have to amount transfer this account. A/C-**************, Holder name- Mckesson international federal nank, IFSC Code-FDRL******* Ma'am say clear your process then call or msg. I also made the payment of RS *,***/- at the same time. ma'am say Abhishek, I will do all your further processing.Ma'am said Abhishek, I have received your payment, I will do all your further processing, but ma'am did not do any processing and then I spoke to Abhinav Mittal, why my joining process has not been completed yet,Sir call should be processed. Just then, a new Sir's call comes to me, whose name is Mr Sohan call, me on **rd aug and told me abhishek where do you leave i am answer give ,sir i leave in dhanbad, jharkhand sir ask me again how much distance from your home to Asansol i said sir **km sir say ok fine abhishek he told me i am giving your job location is Mother Dairy, Burnpur Road, Court More, Asansol, West Bengal. i am say ok sir fine.he told me your training started on **th aug and he say also Your salary will commence at **,***/- Per month + all Acordmation +Medical facility +Living fooding.Abhishek i Mailing Your Training Letter.i get training letter on ** aug.sohan sir calling me at same time so abhishek you have to pay ****/- i am asking why sir. sir he said that because The security amount paid for company process this is a refundable security amount. after training finish then automatically refund your bank account.sir he said me you have to pay RS ****/- for company terms conditions. Otherwise your procedure has been hold for *** days.i am asking why sir i am already paid RS *****/- and you said me your process will be hold for *** days.i made the payment online at the same time the next process are still pending.I also made the payment of RS ****/- at the same time. sir told me your courier dispatch today evening by speed post I asked Sir, Sir, how will get the courier, Sir said that you have received the parcel. i am say no sir not yet receive the parcel sir say your parcel has been dispatch from here sohan sir also told me you will take it to the company and your verification will be done. Our verification team will come to your house and collect all your Xerox documents and original See, the next day I called Sir, I said to Sir that my parcel has not arrived yet, Sir said that your Parcel verification team will bring you and take your document with you and take you to the cab (car) was taken to Mother dairy company.No one has come to company verification teams yet, No has my parcel been received.On **th aug Sir called me the and said, Abhishek ji, your company verification completed are not.when I said to Sir, my verification still pending and my parcel has not come to my house yet, Sir said that your verification has also been done today. And a parcel will also be get which will bring our verification team to your house Sir Abhishek ji, your verification today can be solved any time, because today is the last date,sohan sir say me abhishek ji i sent you mail of verification and your cleareance certificate your parcel so your charges RS *****/- is refundbale amount Because today is last date. so you have to pay this otherwise your seat not confirm.sir se abhishek ji how much time take for submit amount. i said to sir first my complete joining process after then paying amount. sir say no abhishek ji. i say why sir i have already paid amount RS *****/-sir say no Abhishek will not be able to do because the company has rules, so what can we do? You see, then you can not do anything, your joining process will go on hold for *** days.Sohan sir also said to me same time after submitting this amount, then your verification is completed, today get your parcels and all your money is refunded at your home or else you will be taken to the company, you will submit your entire document and your hand We will refund all the money.I transferred the bank account, Sir said that I have received your money Abhishek, so today I can talk to your verification team and tell them that your house .but still he did't come in my home for company verification and i have not received any company parcel. i am calling to sohan sir again and agin but he did't my call receive.i have I am also SMS & Whatsapp messaging that sir is not even replying to that message.same day He has a call me on saturday *:**pm Mr Vivek Gupta, he says to me that I am getting verification, send me your full address photo of your Aadhaar card front back side by whatsapp message. so that you can come to your address for the company verification. I have been able to do verification a lot of time, but no verification team has come, it has been * days, I have called them too many times, they have not picked up my call, I have called them ** times. but my call not receive, vivek gupta whatsapp massging to me.he said I am aarrive your Location by * O'CLOCK and send me verification letter scan copy. i am sent verification letter scan copy.vivek gupta say ok abhishek ji your verification i get it. sir say submit this training amount...now. i am send already submitted amount *****/-ok fine abhishek ji please wait i call you ** min.but sir has not called or sms me next day vivek gupta whatsapp massage me I am coming to your house on the way. i am say ok sir How long my house. he said me abhishek ji again send your full address details & aadhaar card. i am say ok sir. i am again sent my aadhar details.but sir still not come at my home.same day one Ma'am calling she didn't tell me your name.she said to me abhishek i am calling purpose for your final joining process in mother dairy.Ltd company. ma'am said to me abhishek your all the orignal and xerox document are ready and also say ma'am your granter se ready i am say yes ma'am my all the joining requirment document are ready.ma'am say ok abhishek today, my verification team will come out to visit your home and today, after all your process is completed, Abhishek ji is our verification security charge is Rs****/- because this is compulsory because this is a company process the security amount paid for company process this is a refundable security amount. after the your verifaction completed then your all amount refund at same time ****/- only refund because your verification charges amount will be decteted ***/- for verification charges you will pay.
so you have to pay this amount Rs ****/- otherwise pending the last joining process ma'am say abhishek ji you will make this payment then our home verification team will go to your home for company verification.I also made the payment of RS ****/- at the same time. ma'am say Abhishek, I have received your payment, I will do all your final joining processing,So that your verification was done as soon as possible and I got the mail sent to you immediately from the head office then your letter will get soon wait for some time for confirmation.i am called to the ma'am pick my call and say abhishek your confirmation letter will come soon. After some time when I called, Ma'am was not receiving my call and after some time her mobile was telling mobile has been switch off.i am try again agin but she was not responding and my joining process still pending. i am vivek gupta called he pick my phone he said I have just come to another candidate's house to do the verification, so it take me some time, I will come to your house at * o'clock evening. but it did not come for the day.vivek gupta has whatsapp massage me suddenly say me abhishek ji your Amount Rs ****/- ****/- was by Mistake Madam Ji said to the you are quickly payment after paymnet then you send me a payment slip screenshotyour amount is pending Rs ****/- vivek gupta say please hurry up how much time tell me please hurry up tell me i am waiting for your response. i am say sir i have already amount transfer Rs ****/-vivek gupta say ok you send me payment sleep and screenshort. i am say ok sir i will sent the payment slip vivek gupta say I have received your payment, I will do all your pending processing so i will comeyour home monday ** aug **or ** O'clock between. i am called with phone my call was not receive i am try many time but he did't any response. i have still pending my joining ,verification and parcel not receive i have lots of money transfer but all joining process are still pending. Mr.sohan everytime demand money you pay now than i will work on your joining process. Mr sohan not receive my call i have many time try but he not any responding sms whatsapp massenger or phone call. next day on ** aug called Mr. sohan me he said abhishek ji your joining Appointment letter i sent you mail id so please check and you have to pay you ****/- rupees for the service security charge. It will be refundable amount abhishek. i said that you are every time demanding money you have pay money so then i will work on pending of joining process this time now I will not give any amount further because I have already given a lot of money for joining in mother dairy Ltd as senior executive i have given you total amount pay *****/- but you have not made me join yet.i am asking to Mr. sohan I want your answer Mr.Sohan. i am asking question to Mr sohan but he no give me any answer he said tomorrow your finally joining processing trust me abhishek ji i am said ok fine you first my joining process then i will give amount ****/- he said me also abhishek ji this is you last amount not future required any amount. i said i am not pay in this time first complete the pending joining process then i will pay amount. otherwise i am not give you money because you have already taken a lot of money from me, you have not done any of my work in the name of the job, Sohan says, I will not join your information until you get to the place where you will get any information or contact perso. I had given the address on the training letter.I went to this address but I did not get any of Mother Dairy's office or any showroom or plants.
Address – Burnpur Rd, Court More, Asansol, West Bengal ******
i am called Mr. sohan lots of time but his mobile was telling mobile has been switch off.i am try again agin but he was not responding. iam try to call Mr sohan my call pick and i am finally said that sohan ji you have to cancel my joining letter and please return all my money today,.i do not want to do this job.Because your service is very bad and you did not tell me exactly what happened next or not does not tell me properly that he speaks on the phone and does something else,So I do not have to do this work any further, cancel my joining letter and refund all my money.
Amount Details below:
Total Amount:- *****/-
i am talk Mr. Abhinav mittel i am said sir cancel my joining and nd refund all my amount.sir said ok abhishek may I talk to Sohan, he will cancel your joining, I said ok sir then I spoke to Sohan, he said to me that Abhishek ji wants to cancel your joining, I said that please my joining cancelled and all my money is refunded today **th aug sohan said that you fill it and scan it and send it to me by whatsapp massenger and your cancellation charge of Rs.****/- so I will refund your all money toady.i am say to sohan i have no money now because i have given you total amount pay *****/-
all the money for joining but I did not do any of my work and get it done, so why should I pay the money now? l called sohan i say, if you refund all my amount, then you deduct your service charge from it, then Sohan Tell me, Abhishek ji, you pay the service charge, then your money will be refunded, if you are not paying cancellation cahrges, otherwise you will be on hold for *** days. ok i you wait i am transfer you
sohan give again new bank account detail sohan has told me abhishek ji please you have pay bank this account i will give you bank Acoount detail
A/c no-****************
IFSC Code- PUNB*******
Holder Name- Rinku
Punjab national bank
I made the payment of RS ****/- for joining cancellation charges i have payment at the same time.sohan calling me he said abhishek ji I have received your payment.wait for ** mintues i will your cancellation process.All your money is refunded, just give me ** minutes.i said ok sohan ji.
then it was more than **th, then when I called Sohan he did not pick my call, I have lots off try,but Sohan did not receive my call. After some time, I called Sohan, then a one ma'am received my call and said, sohan Sir very busy yet .So I said that ma'am my refundable money has not yet arrived in my bank account, ma'am cut my call, after that called sohan but he did not pick up my call and no my text message reply or Whatsapp massage still not give any reply Sohan's phone was telling switch off when I called to sohan.
I humbly request you to please help me and get all my money refunded as soon as possible.
Fraud People Name & Number
Starting Interaction one girl **********,**********,**********
Aarohi Mittal-**********
Abhinav Mittal-**********
Vivek Gupta-**********
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- Preeti Anandan
My two years of blood & sweat got valued finally with Voxya. I got a full refund with no hustle after they received notice.
- Sachin A Rosario
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