Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Uttar Pradesh - 56m 2 gg g 8m g
Anshul Saxena filed complaint against Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Uttar Pradesh on Jun 16, 2024
Sir, account number ********** which is registered in village Chichara district Mahoba, I payed the bill every month till February **** but on ** March **** units Rs *****, ** April *** units Rs ***, ** May **** units Rs ***** and ** June *** units *** rupees. Rupees were sent and the bill was sent on **th March and **th May is unnecessary When I spoke to the department, they said that your meter was bad but if my meter was bad then why did the department not change it and how did the bill come so much in one month when the meter reader had prepared a bill for *** units. They give fake readings and harass people,
It is requested that the bill should be amended so that I can submit my bill on time and action should be taken on the matter&Thank you
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