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Thomson TV from Flipkart - tv display blank

PRABHAKARA RAO SONTYALA filed complaint against Thomson TV from Flipkart on Dec 19, 2020

Hi sir/mam ,
This is Prabhakara Rao from Visakhapatnam , i purchaged **INCH THOMSON ULTRA HD SMART ANDROID TV in FLIPKART on **/**/****. I got tv display & remote problem. I complained reguarding this issue on *th nov **** and i'll get complaint id on **th nov ****. I sent lots of emails and spoke with so many thomson customercare exicutives ,when ever i call them they told me one week time but till now there is no response . its nearly one month completed but no one(technicians) visited our home even though i have warrenty . im suffering alot regurding this issue . Finally i lost my patiancy so i complained to consumer forum .
So please help me to solve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you .
Mobile no: **********
Complaint id: HYD****TV****

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Complaint Status

Resolution Demanded:

Damages for loss and agony

Thomson TV from Flipkart


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Total Resolved


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I am very pleased with Voxya. They helped me resolve my issue without much hassle. Very impressed and satisfied.

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My two years of blood & sweat got valued finally with Voxya. I got a full refund with no hustle after they received notice.

- Sachin A Rosario

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