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Tata Teleservices Limited - Poor Internet connection and Poor complaint response

Rohit Gomes filed complaint against Tata Teleservices Limited on Sep 7, 2020

Following is my Internet Connection Details:
Tata Tele Phone Number: **********
Tata Tele Account Number: *********
Current Plan: DS**Mbps***GB@****Plan

Even after registering multiple complaint ticket with the Tata Tele Broadband Service provider, I do not get the promised Internet Speed and stable interconnection.

I have subscribed myself with Tata Tele Broadband Service for DS**Mbps***GB@**** Plan and have been paying around Rs **** Monthly with all Taxes for ** Mbps Internet Speed upto ***GB data but I get internet speed only between *-* Mbps and that too not stable connection with frequent Speed drop and disconnection. Due to which makes it impossible for me to work at such a pathetic internet speed and it is already affecting my job because of their incompetence to resolve the issue.

My pervious complaint # ******* raised with consumer helpline Tata Tele Broadband Service did not respond to it.

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Complaint Status

Resolution Demanded:

Apology letter from company

Refund / Credit for purchase

Replace / Fix problem

Damages for loss and agony

Tata Teleservices Limited


Total Complaints


Total Resolved


Consumer Satisfaction


Thousands of customers like you have trusted Voxya to resolve their issues

- Preeti Anandan

I am very pleased with Voxya. They helped me resolve my issue without much hassle. Very impressed and satisfied.

- Preeti Anandan

- Sachin A Rosario

My two years of blood & sweat got valued finally with Voxya. I got a full refund with no hustle after they received notice.

- Sachin A Rosario

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