RBL Credit Card Dial For Cash - Personal Lone preclosure NOC Later not Providing Me And Every Time RBL Bank Generate a New Amount to
Ramesh Dhan Bahadur Chand filed complaint against RBL Credit Card Dial For Cash on Apr 7, 2021
I took the personal loan preapprova from RBL BANK CREDIT CARD DAIL FOR CASH loan amount is ****** one lakh seven thousand only and i already paid * EMI rupees ****.** every months i call the customer care and take the information about preclosure my runig persona lone so the told me email to our rbl customer care they will call you and telling preclosure amount than you will pay your preclosure amount than they call me date of ****/**/**
As per our convocation RBL Bank Customer service person told me preclosure personal lone amount + gst payble amount are RS *****.** ONLY and as per our convocation i paid RS *****.** date of **/**/**** through my kotak mahindra net banking than i call agen rbl customer care for NOC Later which i paid preclosure amount than rbl customer care representative told me one amount are pending so sir you will paid ****.** than we will provide NOC Later * to * days after * to * days after i call agen about NOC Later and RBL customer representative told me again Rs ***.* one amount are pending if you pay this amount we will provide NOC Later * to * days on your registrar email and than i paid again Rs ***.* date of **/**/**** and after * to * days i call again RBL costumer care they are saying one more amount pay every time they are saying one new amount to paid and NOC Later not providing me i already paid * times but they are not providing me NOC Later i many times email to them but no response from there side i have all RBL bank costumer care call recording and i also send on there officially email address but they are not responding and still date my this lone is showing Active.
my lone Details are down.
Loan Account Number: ****************
Loan Amount: ******.**
monthly Installment Amount (EMI): ****.**
Tenure: ** months
Reducing Rate of Interest: **% (p.a)
Date of Booking **/**/****
Start Date **/**/****
End Date **/**/****
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