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Coinswitch Kuber - Deposit Amount not credited in the wallet

JIMESH RAJ R filed complaint against Coinswitch Kuber on May 13, 2021

I deposited ****Rs from my fed mobile application on **th April ****, **:**:** AM from the account **************. I already raised complaint request several time but the issue is not resolved. As per the Coinswitch Kuber policy it will take ** days but my problem not resolve till today. Please help immediately.

Deposit reference number as per coinswitch Kuber :- ******dd-**df-*d*f-*e**-**c*cc*b*f*b
BANK TRANSACTION ID :- ************

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Complaint Status

Resolution Demanded:

Refund / Credit for purchase

Damages for loss and agony

Coinswitch Kuber


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Total Resolved


Consumer Satisfaction


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I am very pleased with Voxya. They helped me resolve my issue without much hassle. Very impressed and satisfied.

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My two years of blood & sweat got valued finally with Voxya. I got a full refund with no hustle after they received notice.

- Sachin A Rosario

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