File a Complaint against TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY
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If you are searching for TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY Review on internet then you have reached the right place. You can read the full TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY Reviews here. Get answer to questions like if TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY is real or fake? TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY is legit or scam? if TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY is safe? All TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY reviews are written by actual consumers based on their experience and they provide useful details about the brand. Voxya encourages you to write reviews, feedback and post complaints for TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY so that it help others to make wise decisions. The Consumer satisfaction score of TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY is 54.69% because out of 64 consumer complaints, only 35 are resolved.
How to resolve TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY complaints online
If you want to complain about a problem that relates to TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY, you have reached the right place.
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Your rights as a Consumer
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 provides below rights to the consumers:
i. Information about the quantity, quality, purity, potency, price, and standard of goods or services.
ii. Protection from hazardous goods and services.
iii. Protection from unfair or restrictive trade practices.
iv. Access to a variety of goods or services at competitive prices.
How to file a Complaint against TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY?
If you are not satisfied with TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY, file a complaint now:
1. Go to "File a Complaint" form
2. Choose TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY and write your complaint in detail
3. Enter your personal information to create an account
4. Get refund / replacement / damages from TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY
But before filing a complaint, you should
a. Contact the customer support of TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY first
b. Keep record of all the emails, chat with customer support
c. Arrange proofs like bills, payment receipts, pictures to support your complaint
Find the contact details of TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY to connect to the right authority. We notify the appropriate authority in the company as soon as you file a complaint at Voxya.
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We have helped thousands of consumers find a resolution. Use Voxya to raise your voice and get resolution by utilizing our social, legal & business network.
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TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not received Open
I have booked the flight ticket from Jaiput to Mumbai .After booking the flight , I got the call from travolook and they were saying that the flight has been cancelled .And your money will be transferred to you.But now they do not receiving my...
Jun 04, 2021 by Surbhi Gupta
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not received after my flight has been cancelled by Indigo airlines Open
My flight from Mangalore to Chennai has been cancelled by Indigo Airlines due to operational issue. Refund has been issued for that by Indigo Airlines but Travolook is not refunding the amount to my account. Attaching the evidence to support m...
May 25, 2021 by NANDAKISHORE M
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not yet received Closed
I have booked flight ticket with travolook in march and it was cancelled due to fare change and one representative called from company and said the refund will be initiated with in *-** days. however its been *.* months and i have not yet recei...
May 21, 2021 by Ashish Varma
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Travolook Refund not received Open
I have booked flight ticket through Travolook website on **.**.**** (Banglore to Kochi) I have received call from the company representative and informed that booking was cancelled due to fare expiration. the refund amount not yet received...
May 18, 2021 by JOY K V
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund Amount not recived Open
I had booked ticket from Travollook (Ranchi to Delhi) . within a minute a received the call and mail that ticket is canceled due to fare expiration . we will process your refund amount but still not received refund amount after many follow-u...
May 06, 2021 by Mayna Bej
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Your booking is Cancelled due to fare expiration Closed
I booked a flight ticket from Ahmedabad to Madurai Airport and after the booking is finished in a few minutes I received another email saying the booking is cancelled due to fare exceeded. Company is totally fraud. I tried contacting to custom...
May 03, 2021 by KARTHIK
I booked a ticket from and after booking i got an mail that Your Booking is Cancelled with :REF********* Your booking is Cancelled due to fare expiration. Please contact our customer support at ****-***-**** or sen...
Apr 23, 2021 by Kumar Kartikey
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not given Closed
I have booked a flight from Chennai to Visakhapatnam for *st May ****, money got debited and I got response from customer support that it has been cancelled due to some issue that airlines has not clarified, money will be refunded to the accoun...
Apr 22, 2021 by Anjali
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not received even after stipulated time Closed
Had booked Indigo ticket from Bangalore to Gorakhpur on **th Mar **** via website. With in ** mins got call saying ticket is cancelled due to price change and also got email from them saying refund will be done **-** da...
Apr 12, 2021 by Mahammad Akbar
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Money not refund Open
I have done an online booking from with reference number REF*********. It was booked on **th February, ****. and the total cost was Rs. ****. This amount was debit from my account but the same time the ticket was being cancelle...
Apr 02, 2021 by Pradeep Kumar
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Air ticket canceled Closed
I booked a ticket on Travolook on **.**.**** under reference number REF REF********* and the same was cancelled after I had paid the amount of ₹ **** due to fare surge. Till date I have not received the refund amount plz its my request please...
Mar 30, 2021 by sachin ambardar
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not received for non confirmation of booked ticket Closed
I have booked a Flight ticket (Indigo *E-***/ *E- ****) from Srinagar to Mumbai on **th March **** for six persons through Travolook for Rupees *****/-. I got a mail from this company (email ID: saying that my booking was ...
Mar 19, 2021 by Alen
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Money not refunded Closed
Dear Sir/madam, I booked a flight through Travolook on **th of Jan'**. But the booking got cancelled from Travolook side. Since then it is more than ** days but the money is still not credited back. Want a strong action against the company. K...
Feb 17, 2021 by Chinmoy Dasgupta
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not received for non confirmation of booked ticket Open
Ticket booked on **/**/**** for flight between Delhi to Bengaluru vide booking no REF********* on payment of RS ****/-.This was subject to confirmation by Travolook.Within thirty minutes message is received that ticket not confirmed and compl...
Feb 16, 2021 by OM PRAKASH BAGARIA
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not yet received Closed
Re: Your Booking is Cancelled with REF********* I tried to contact there toll free number and by mail but no response....
Feb 03, 2021 by Aravinda
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Money not refunded even after one month of flight booking cancellation Open
I booked flight ticket from bhopal to delhi for ** dec on * dec **** through travolook website. After ** minutes they called and said your ticket is cancelled because of fare change. I was already disappointed but the problem began later that i...
Jan 07, 2021 by Ruchir Patidar
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund amount not received from TRAVOLOOK Closed
Dear sir I will booked Air ticket on ** Dec ** Bangalore to Delhi up and down ,ticket also not received amout also received. Many times I will send mail to travolook customer service team no response. My booking reference number : REF*********...
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not done Closed
I have booked my flight on **/**/****, they immediately cancelled my flight ticket and they said they will refund in ** days but still I haven't resolve my issue here are my booking reference number:REF*********. please go through this and hel...
Dec 26, 2020 by Chandra Sekhar rao
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Flight ticket booked but not reflected in indigo airlines website Closed
I booked air ticket in their website for indigo flight from Chennai to Coimbatore on **/**/**** and they send confirmation email and message. Further a message from VM-Indigo also received. But when I checked with the indigo website for the pn...
Dec 18, 2020 by Pasupathy
TRAVO LOOK TRAVEL AGENCY - Refund not given by Travolook even though promised Open
I had booked ticket on Travolook in May ****, but flights were cancelled due to COVID. Despite repeated requests for refund and response from the support email to refund in **-** days, I have not received the refund....
Dec 16, 2020 by DR. TRIBENI GOSWAMI
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