NATTHU PRASAD filed complaint against DVVNL RAJAPUR on Jul 8, 2022
Name & Address of the Appellant Address Natthu Prasad for Shri Alaf Narayan S/O Late Shri Ramnath, Village & P.O Byohara, PS- Pahari, Distt. Chitrakoot (U.P.)
* Address for further Communication Natthu Prasad
R/O **/***, (House No.-***, Sector-**),
Opposite Post Office of Sector -**
Indira Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)-******
* Name and Address of opposite party (Against whom Appeal is being filed) Executive Engineer, Dakshinanchal Bidyut Bitaran Khand, Rajapur, Tehsil Rajapur
District- Chitrakoot
* Date of Communication of order appealed against to the appellant No order has been passed so far even after various request
* Period of Dispute **.**.**** to date
(*) That the applicant Natthu Prasad S/O Late Shri Ramnath, a senior citizen having been retired from Customs & Central Excise Services, is presently residing at **/***, Sector **, House No.***, Indira Nagar, Lucknow (U.P.)-******(herein after referred to as “Appellant”. However, the Appellant’s permanent address is Village & P.O Byohara, P.S.-Pahari, Distt. Chitrakoot (U.P.).
(*) That the electricity Connection No. RC*********** and Account No. ************ for Appellant’s tube well near Dhobin Purwa (Bhairampur) at Village & P.O Byohara Distt. Chitrakoot is in the name of Appellant’s real brother Shri Alaf Narayan r/o Village & P.O Byohara Distt. Chitrakoot.
(*) That the total electricity bill of Rs. ******/- for the bore well was deposited on **.**.**** against the due amount of Rs. ******/- as can be seen from the receipt no. ******************** (Copy enclosed as Annexure-*). Thus Rs. ***** has been paid excess as can be seen from receipt itself, but, the official of Vidyut Vitaran office Rajapur says that no excess amount has been paid.
(*) That the bore well was not working properly and the rebore of the same was needed therefore, after payment of bill an application (Copy enclosed as Annexure-*) for temporary P.D. of Electric connection was given on **.**.**** at the Vidyut Vitaran office Rajapur and the then J.E. signed the receipt in token on the application itself. Further it was told that an affidavit is needed so Alaf Narayan has got affidavit (Copy enclosed as Annexure-*) prepared and submitted in the office of Vidyut vitaran office Rajapur. There after an employee of electricity Department came to our borewell and disconnected the cable from the transformer and poles as well which still lying on the ground since then.
(*) That after cleaning and rebore of the tube well Shri Alaf Narayan submitted an application (Copy enclosed as Annexure-*) on **.**.**** at Vidyut bitaran office Rajapur along with quotation of M/S Kamal Gautam dully verified by JE on **.**.**** (Copy enclosed as Annexure- *) for connecting the electric connection. Thereafter, Shri Alaf Narayan submitted reminders (Copy enclosed as Annexure- * & *) on **.**.**** and **.**.**** (Copy enclosed as Annexure- * & *), but the connection was not connected till dated due to which we could not irrigate our fields.
(*) That on **.**.**** Shri Saket Kumar S/O Shri Alaf Narayan visited office of Executive Engineer, Vidyut Vitaran Khand, Rajapur and met the Executive Engineer, who told that Shri Alaf Narayan has not deposited the amount for P.D. and did not get receipt, hence all the amount Rs. *****/- (Copy enclosed as Annexure- *) will have to pay by him where the department had neither issued any notice to deposit any amount for P.D. nor told verbally to do so, whereas the connection had been physically disconnected. Further this bill has been modified to Rs. *****(Copy enclosed as Annexure-*) till **th June, **** as per OTS scheme.
(*) That an application alongwith all enclosures were also submitted to MD of DVVNL, Agra on **.**.****(Copy enclosed as Annexure-**), which was forwarded to edsd Rajapur through email on **.**.**** itself directing to resolve it as soon as possible and revert them also; but, no action has been taken so far.
(*) That it is pertinent to mention here that there are so many bore well owner in our village as well as nearby villages who had got their connection disconnected under P.D. Scheme for more than ** years but they are consuming electricity, moreover there are many bore well owner and domestic consumers against whom more than lakhs are pending and they are consuming electricity, but the electricity Department is neither asking them nor taking action against them. The department is harassing the people like us who are paying bill regularly by own.
(*) That in the meantime the appellant lodged grievance on **.**.**** in PG Portal (CPGRAM) with registration No. GOVUP/E/****/***** which was forwarded to Executive Engineer, Khand -* Chitrakoot on **.**.**** by D.M. Chitrakoot specifying the date for reply **.**.****, but the same has not yet been responsed.
(**) Hence, aggrieved of this action of Executive engineer, this appeal is preferred before your Honour for kind and sympathetic consideration and for favourable orders.
The action of Executive engineer, Dakshinanchal Bidyut Bitaran Khand, Rajapur, District- Chitrakoot, appealed against, is totally arbitrary, illegal and contrary to the facts. Therefore, the appellant, craves leave to submit the following facts/ grounds: -
(i) Because it was the duty of Officer of electricity Department Rajapur to ask for P.D. receipt when the application was filed for disconnection apropos of being fact that the same was dully marked to JE, but they told to file affidavit only which have been complied with. Further if the payment for disconnection charges was not deposited the Officer of electricity Department Rajapur ought to have issued a notice in this regard and if the compliance would not have been done then it was responsibility of the appellant. But in this case the department did not ask for deposit of disconnection charges, therefore it is their fault as the consumer is not supposed to know the rules and regulations.
(ii) Because when the department ordered for disconnection and their employee disconnected the connection even then they did not ask for disconnection charges.
(iii) Because the supply of electricity was not there Since **.**.**** to date in Appellant’s bore well. But Bidyut Bitaran Khand, Rajapur did not show the disconnection in their records due to which an amount of Rs. *****/- is being shown as arear of the bill, for which Shri Alaf Narayan is not capable to pay without his fault.
(iv) Because no monthly bill for the charge of electricity was given on monthly basis. Had the bill was given monthly basis the Appellant would have come to know about the connection which have not been shown disconnected on record and the Appellant would have been approached for disconnection on record also as it was physically disconnected.
(v) Because disconnected cable and wire are still lying on the ground which can be seen physically on the site.
(vi) Because not showing disconnection on the records is the fault of the Department and for this the Appellant could not be punished.
(vii) Because when excess payment made by the appellant was told to be adjusted the department denied to do so.
(viii) Because in such circumstances liability for electric bill from **.**.**** to date does not lies on the Appellant as he had not consumed the electricity due to disconnection.
(ix) Because even since **.**.**** the Appellant has been praying for connecting the connection, but the department is not connecting due to which the kharif crop is being deteriorated.
(x) Because khareef crop of the appellant will be deteriorated because without electricity the borewll did not work and the fields cannot be irrigated. Therefore loss of lakhs of Rupees may not be ruled out.
(xi) Because, having no other efficacious remedy, the Appellant is filing the present Appeal for redressal of the Appellant’s grievances.
It is therefore most respectfully prayed that being the August Authority, your Honour graciously and judiciously be pleased,
I. To allow the appeal.
II. To set aside the amount of bill from **.**.**** to date and be pleased to order for connecting the connection of the Appellant immediately to avoid any further loss.
III. To pass such other order/ relief, that deems fit and proper to your Honour, in view of the facts and circumstances of the case.
(Natthu Prasad)
R/O **/***, (House No.-***, Sector-**),
Opposite Post Office of Sector -**
Indira Nagar, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)-******
MOB- **********
Email- n.prasadlko@gmail.com
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