SH Infosolutions - Laptop Model Parts Altered
Ankit Shahi filed complaint against SH Infosolutions on Sep 24, 2021
Hi Team,
I had purchased an Asus Vivobook Gaming Laptop from flipkart on **th June ****. Recently I had an issue with the laptop as it was not turning on, So I took it to
the ASUS service center located in the S*-Hotel Debonair Complex, *nd Floor, New Kalimati Road, Jamshedpur-******. In the ASUS service center they said they will
charge INR *** for diagnosing the issue. After figuring out the issue, they informed us that the issue was with the Power Supply Unit of the computer.
Power IC was not working and because of that and my laptop was not turning on. They also mentioned that our laptop was not in warranty period and so it will cost
more amount because the company usually replaces the entire thing in such cases. They also suggested to look it outside as the power IC can be repaired and they
gave us the diagonstic bill of INR *** (attached).
After this we went to SH Infosolutions located at **/** Ground Floor Yashkamal Complex, Main road Bistupur, Jamshedpur-******.
We told them power IC problem and gave our laptop to them. After couple of days we called them to check the status of our laptop then they said this:
Me: Can you please update whether it is done ?
SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu): It's not done yet. Issue with the Graphics card.
Me: What is the exact issue ?
SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu): You won't be able to understand.
Me: I have already informed you about the issue while giving the laptop.
SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu): If you already know the issue then why don't you do it on your own. Why did you bring it here then.
Issue is with graphics and some IC it will cost around *k-*.*k
Me: Can you repair it ?
SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu):Yes, but it will cost around *k-*.*k
Me: Okay, I will pay. Please do it.
After two days(**th September, ****) I went to collect my laptop. And while handing over the laptop the SH Infosolutions Representative said that " I have repaired it.
It will work fine now. Please try to play games and check if your graphics card is working properly or not. If you face any issue you can bring it back."
The very same day I went back home and checked and it showed that Graphics card is not detected in my system. I got suspicious and checked other components in my
machine from Device Manager and BIOS and to my surprise I found out that the Serial Number, Model Number all were showing different.
SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu) said that the graphics is fine now, try to play game, he had checked it properly and he was sure about the same. Then how come
after ** mins when I reached home it started showing that Graphics card is not detected. What kind of check did SH Infosolutions Representative(Sonu) perform and on
what grounds did he give that assurance to me ? He claimed to have fixed the issue and when checked it shows not detected.
Serial number showing was : (Some default values SSN********************)
Model Number: X***GT
I enquired about this to the SH Infosolutions Representative. He didn't enteratain and said technician is busy. We went to there shop twice but they gave invalid
reasons. You can check their CCTV footage also.
On the second day, when we went their Representative(Sonu) who was attending our case was absent and we asked the other representative to connect us to the
technician, the technician said that he will not talk to us. We have attached the call recordings as well.
Firstly they were not accepting but later his technician admitted that he did BIOS flash and worked on the Graphics. When we asked what was the need to do BIOS flash
they were giving invalid reasons. There was problem with the power supply of the system, it was not turning on and they didn't even explain that once also.
They claimed to have worked on BIOS flash and Graphics.
And when we further asked about the Serial Number and Model Number being changed they said after doing BIOS flash it does happens.
We explained them that Model number and serial number is the identity of the product it shouldn't get change, but they were reluctant and not accepting this.
SH Infosolutions Representative asked me to get this confirmed from the ASUS service center. We did that infront of them (call records of this also attached). The
ASUS service center said that the Model Number is the identification number of the product. It shouldn't change at all.
When we proved this to the SH Infosolutions Representative, they started saying ASUS service center guy has no idea about all this.
SH Infosolutions technician admitted that he did BIOS flash and SH Infosolutions Representative were saying that BIOS flash was done on **th June ****.
They have not done anything. I really don't understand why they were saying like this even though their technician accepted the fact that he did BIOS flash.
SH Infosolutions Representative was unable to make me understand that how come model number is showing different and there was no valid justification for serial
number as well. Neither SH Infosolutions Representative nor their technician were able to justify this.
I even asked them to explain what they have done in the repair process then SH Infosolutions Representative said that he will provide me the logs. But soon
he started denying the logs when I asked. He said he cannot provide it as the Technician is not free right now.
Later, their head manager(Lalit) called us when their staff was helpless in answering to our questions and tried to sort the matter. He said forget about what my
staff has said and told that your graphics card cannot be repaired as it is heated. And he even returned INR **** from the bill (Total Bill amount was INR ****).
How can this be possible at one instance their staff is saying to have repaired it and when further questioning they are saying it cannot be repaired. There was not
any issue with that but still they damaged my Graphics card of *GB NVIDIA Geforce GTX ****.
What we suspect :
They have either changed our computer's entire motherboard or damaged the graphics card embedded on our original motherboard. Because my computer had working Graphics
Card when I submitted it for repair, now it does not detect any Nvidia graphics card. Possibilities are, that the motherboard that they have given us either does not
have a graphics card at all, or even if it has one, then it is already damaged because it is not getting detected by the system.
Another possibility is that they have not changed our motherboard but simply damaged the graphics card embedded on it.
At last, I would only like to state that I believe my laptop model have been changed and its parts have been damaged(not detecting the Graphics card) and
I want a complete compensation of my Machine because It has been not repaired properly and suspicious things have been done with it in that process.
I am therefore attaching the invoice of my product when I purchased it, along with athe audio files as the evidence and the bills which I got from ASUS service center
(Bill for Diagonsing the issue INR ***) and SH Infosolutions bill of INR **** which later got reduced to INR ****.
Original Model Number: F***GT-BQ***T Gaming Laptop
Original IMEI/Serial Number: L*N*CX********B
Thanks and Regards,
Anup Shahi
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