इन्शुरन्स कंपनी की शिकायत कहां और कैसे करे? – बीमा कंपनी शिकायत (How to Complaint Against Insurance Company in India?)

Insurance Company Consumer Complaint - Voxya Consumer Forum

हम सभी लोग अपना, अपने परिवार (family) का या फिर अपनी प्रॉपर्टी (property) का इन्शुरन्स जरूर करवाते है, ताकि भविष्य में होने वाले नुकसान को कम कर सके | भारत में हर इन्शुरन्स कंपनी अलग अलग तरह के इन्शुरन्स को बेचती है, जैसे कि जीवन बीमा योजना (Life Insurance Policy), दुर्घटना बीमा योजना (accidental insurance policy), गृह बीमा योजना (home insurance policy), यात्रा बीमा योजना (travel insurance policy), फसल बीमा योजना (agriculture insurance policy), वाहन बीमा योजना (vehicle insurance policy), चिकित्सा एवं स्वस्थ बीमा योजना (medical & health insurance policy) और भी कई तरह की बीमा योजनाए होती है | इन बीमा कंपनी के पास अपने अलग अलग तरह के पॉलिसी के प्लान और वादे होते है, लेकिन कई बार ऐसा होता है जो बीमा कंपनी हमसे वादा करती है उसको पूरा नहीं करती है |

जब आप इन्शुरन्स कम्पनी (Insurance company) से बीमा पॉलिसी खरीदते है, तो पहले आप बीमा पॉलिसी के विषय में पूरी तरह से जानकारी कर ले, कि बीमा पॉलिसी में किस तरह के फायदे और लाभ आपके लिए है | जिस बीमा पॉलिसी (Insurance policy) को लेने जा रहे है उसका प्रीमियम कितना और कितनी अवधि के लिए भरना होगा | इन सारी बाते को जानने के बाद आप किसी भी इन्शुरन्स कंपनी से आप पॉलिसी को ले सकते है | उसके बाद आपको किसी भी तरह की परेशानी होती है या आप इन्शुरन्स कंपनी (Insurance Company) से संतुष्ट नहीं है या आप बीमा कंपनी (Insurance company) के किसी एजेंट से संतुष्ट नहीं है, या फिर आपको इन्शुरन्स से सम्बंधित कोई भी शिकायत है तो आप इसकी शिकायत IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) की वेबसाइट पर जाकर टोल फ्री नंबर या फिर ईमेल के द्वारा कर सकते है |

अगर आपकी इन्शुरन्स सम्बंधित शिकायत (Insurance Complaint) है तो आप अपनी इन्शुरन्स कंपनी के ऑफिस या फिर उससे सम्बंधित ब्रांच में जाकर शिकायत निवारक अधिकार (Grievance Redressal Officer) से संपर्क करना चाहिए | आपको एक लिखित शिकायत सभी जरूरी दस्तावेजों साथ उनको देना चाहिए और अपनी शिकायत की रसीद जरूर लेनी चाहिए |

इन्शुरन्स कंपनी (Insurance company) आपके द्वारा दी गयी शिकायत का निवारण 15 दिनों के अंदर करती है | अगर आपके द्वारा लिखित रूप में दी गयी शिकायत की 15 दिनों के अंदर कोई कार्यवाही नहीं होती है या फिर उनके द्वारा दिए गए समाधान से आप संतुष्ट नहीं होते है | तो आप IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) के उपभोक्ता मामलो (Consumer affairs) के शिकायत निवारक अधिकारी से संपर्क कर सकते है |


IRDAI में अपनी शिकायत को रजिस्टर करवाने के लिए आप उनके टोल फ्री नंबर पर कॉल कर सकते, IRDAI का टोल फ्री नंबर (Toll Free Number) 1800 4254 732 है |

आप अपनी शिकायत को मेल के माध्यम से भी दर्ज करवा सकते है जिसके लिए आपको IRDAI की मेल आईडी (IRDAI Email ID): complaints@irda.gov.in पर अपनी शिकायत को भेजना होगा |

आप अपनी शिकयत को फैक्स और डाक के द्वारा भी भेज सकते है जिसके लिए आपको उनके शिकायत फॉर्म को डाउनलोड करके भेजना होता है | IRDAI शिकायत फॉर्म को डाउनलोड करने के लिए दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे |

Download Insurance Complaint Form

फॉर्म भरने के बाद आवश्यक दस्तावेजों को संलग्न करके, स्पीडपोस्ट या फिर डाक के माध्यम से भेज सकते है |

IRDAI को शिकायत भेजने का पता इस प्रकार है |

Hyderabad Office:

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

Consumer Affairs Department – Grievance Redressal Cell.

Sy.No.115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda,

Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032.

Ph: (040) 20204000

Delhi Office:

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

Gate No.3,  Jeevan Tara Building, First Floor,

Sansad Marg, New Delhi, 110001

Ph: (011)-2344 4400

Fax:(011)-2374 7650

Mumbai Office:

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

Mumbai Regional Office,

Royal Insurance Building,

12, J. Tata Road, Ground Floor (Near Churchgate)

Mumbai 400020

Ph: (022)- 22898600


आप अपनी शिकायत को Voxya online consumer forum के माध्यम से भी हल कर सकते है | शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए क्लिक करे: File A Complaint Now!

File consumer complaints against multiple brands via Mobile app

Good news! Very soon you will be able to file consumer complaints easily via our mobile app. We are building a small mobile app for filing consumer complaints. With this mobile app you can file consumer complaints easily from your mobile devices. The app will also provide facility to update the status of your consumer complaints by marking them closed or resolved.

We have almost completed all the basic modules in the app like a dashboard, File a complaint, Service Selection, My Complaint, Activity Logged, talk To A lawyer, Vcoins, etc.  Check the below screenshots to view the user interface which we are designing. We hope you will like it 🙂

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum App

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum App

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum App

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum App

Voxya Consumer Complaint Forum App

voxya mobile app

In order to use this mobile app, you need to first need to download Voxya mobile app. After this, you will be able to file a consumer complaint by providing details of your complaint and the resolution which you require. Also, it is possible to select the premium services (Sending legal notice, Preparing Case documents, Notice Copy, and Talk To A Lawyer) in the app and pay for these services via Net Banking, Wallets, UPI, Credit card or Debit cards.

We have added a section “Record Your Complaint”, you can record your complaint instead of typing using the voice record option. You can also raise your request for a lawyer consultation for your consumer case. We also provide an Activity logs section in my complaint section where consumers can track the status of activity logged by consumer or the Voxya team. We solved all the problems related to complaint posting and this provides the easiest way to post or track your complaint status easily via this mobile app. Hence, you can post multiple complaints against multiple brands by using this single mobile app. You can also check the status of all your consumer complaints and update them if they are resolved by the company.     

Initially we are building an Android app but very soon we will be releasing an iOS app too.  We hope that this mobile app will play a significant role in posting & resolving consumer complaints quickly. Please feel free to send your comments and keep posting your consumer complaints!

Why we are unable to resolve all the consumer complaints?

You can find many open consumer complaints at our complaints page here. There are many closed consumer complaints as well on this page but it looks majority of the complaints posted at our platform are open. Often we receive questions from users that why there are so many open consumer complaints at Voxya and if we could not resolve these open complaints, whats the guarantee that we will resolve new consumer complaints? We are happy that you asked. This question is frequently asked, so we are writing this post to answer all such questions.

When we receive any fresh consumer complaint at Voxya, first we try to validate it by asking questions, collecting evidences, understanding resolution required and researching on the company. The actual efforts for resolving any consumer complaint starts at much later stage, when these all pre-requisites gets completed. This validation stage of resolving complaint, is the stage where most of the consumer complaints fails. Lets understand the factors which affects resolution of the consumer complaints :

1. Time-barred complaints
We can not resolve a consumer complaint if it is too old. Many times it happens that consumers are posting very old cases at Voxya. They are posting it just to vent their frustration, without any motive of getting resolution. We are unable to resolve such cases because we can not attract the attention of the company for obvious reasons.

2. Insufficient evidence
This is the most common reason for unable to resolve a consumer complaint. We have found that only few complaints have all the evidences to support their case. Though we ask for more evidences from consumers for each new complaint but most of the time, we don’t really get sufficient evidences from the consumers. In absence of evidences, we can not present your case to the companies.

3. Complaints against Individuals
If you are posting a complaint against any individual, it is most likely to fail. Because it is very difficult to trace individuals and get favorable resolution from them. Nobody knows them and they are mostly not public figures so they do not care about their reputation. In contrary to this, companies are sensitive to their customers and would go extra mile to resolve consumer complaints.

4. Un-responsive consumer
Simply posting your complaint at Voxya will not get you desired results. You need to pro-actively involved in every stage of the resolution process. Often we see that consumers are not responding to our queries and are unable to provide sufficient evidences on time, but still they want their consumer complaints to get resolved at Voxya. Please note that we can not resolve your complaint, if you are un-responsive.

5. Ambiguous resolution demands
Though we have been successful in resolving genuine consumer complaints at our platform but that does not mean that we can get any resolution for your dispute! We convey all your demands to companies. So, posting unreasonable resolution demands may switch off your company, thinking it to be unrealistic. Similarly, it is also important for you to provide what exactly you require as resolution for your problem. Sometimes, we are unable to understand what resolution you want for your complaint? So, please be very specific what you want the company to do in order to resolve your compalint.

6. Lack of Social Sharing
Last but not least, we have seen that very few users are sharing their posted complaints in the social network. We encourage this to put maximum pressure on the brands to resolve your consumer complaints quickly. If you are not sharing your complaints in social media then the companies will not get enough social pressure to resolve complaints. After all, this is the basic concept of our platform!

So guys, though we are putting 100% efforts to resolve your consumer complaints but your active participation is also required at every stage of the resolution process.